Trenaver (Vermodje) Trenbo A vial 10ml 100mg/ml


Trenbolone Acetate 75 is a very potent injectable used by many bodybuilders and has no estrogenic action. It has a very strong androgenic action but does not show estrogenic properties, it contributes to the formation of muscle mass and hard-looking strength and does not retain much water in the body

  • Laboratory: Vermodje
  • Form: Injection
  • Molecule: Trenbolone Acetate
  • Concentration: 100mg/ml
  • Presentation: 10ml vial
  • Recommended dosage: 100-200mg/EOD


Trenaver A is a powerful anabolic steroid created by Vermodje SRL (Moldova), the basis of the active substance is l trenbolone acetate . The preparation comes in the form of a 10 ml vial for injection and, when used correctly, provides a significant increase in energy productivity and an increase in muscle mass.

Trenaver A and its analogues stimulate the production of growth hormone in the body and increase insulin-like growth factor, in which the athlete can easily lose a few pounds.

Trenaver A: Description and properties of Trenbolone Acetate

Initially, the effect of this substance, used in veterinary medicine, worked hard in animal husbandry to increase the appetite and weight of livestock. But nowadays trenbolone acetate is used by representatives of various sports. This is not surprising, since the drug has high progestin activity and does not aromatize.

It is a modification of nandrolone with the addition of ether acetate, the active ingredient of the steroid allows you to quickly improve sports performance. Trenaver A from Vermodje is popular in aerobic sports to quickly increase endurance strength. Additionally, during training, it lowers cortisol levels and increases libido.

It is characterized by potent androgenic and anabolic activity (200% and 400%, respectively, compared to those of testosterone). However, due to the presence of ether, the active ingredient remains active for up to three days. Thus, a long period of activation of substances in the blood allows infrequent injection of the drug and constantly maintains a relatively high level of the hormone.

Dosage of Trenaver A Vermodje is as follows: recommendations of professional sportsmen: it should be administered in the buttocks, 50-100 mg per day. Do not exceed the dose used in injections, this is undesirable due to the increased risk of side effects. Women taking this steroid are contraindicated due to the increased androgens in the drug.

It is on the list of the most effective for weight gain and for increasing the strength of the athlete, despite its high cost, was one of the first.

The active substance is converted into DHT and reduces the synthesis of testosterone. Side effects of Trenaver A injections can be greater with increasing dosage and results are high blood pressure, hair loss, acne, increased aggression, oily skin, insomnia.

On our site you can find information more detailed for Trenaver A from Vermodje . We not only sell high quality sports pharmacology, but we also help promote strength sports and increase athlete literacy.

Steroid cycle with Trenaver

Due to the high androgenic activity of the active substance, the use of injectable trenbolone only recommended for members of the stronger sex. In women, it is known to cause virilization, so the use of even small doses is absolutely contraindicated.

A parabolan cycle involves a four to eight week injection. When the duration is greater than 10 weeks, experienced athletes have always advised taking anti-estrogens (proviron or tamoxifen) as well as gonadotropin. Such measures will not only avoid side effects, but also normalize testosterone production.

How to take Trenaver, you can find information on our forum. The intake of each steroid should be strictly calculated and, if possible, in consultation with an experienced athlete. If this is not possible for you in our forum, you will receive this information completely free of charge.

Our moderators are familiar with steroids, and athletes with different levels of training, from beginner to pro, also communicate here. Therefore, if you have problems choosing the right dose, you can always seek advice from knowledgeable people.

For more experienced athletes, the dose of 50 mg per day, or 100 mg every other day, is often used. Less experienced athletes recommend starting the drug with smaller doses. This is done to check the body's response to the active ingredient.

The Trenaver Cycle can also be used in combination with other medicines. A popular compatibility among athletes is taking Winstrol or Anavar. The combination will give a large increase in dry weight and does not require taking anti-estrogens.

Trenaver A: Reviews

Opinions about the drug are very similar. Most of the athletes who have been involved in sports and have passed this steroid through them have achieved significant results. This is a good reflection of its popularity it is used regardless of the level of the athlete.

Reviews Trenaver A claims that in eight weeks this preparation can gain up to 10 kg of high quality relief muscles.Many athletes are unanimous in the fact that with the help of the Moldavian steroid you can quickly get rid of body fat and increase the efficiency of endurance and strength.

Where can I buy Trenaver A and what is its price?

Today you can order Trenaver in many online stores. Here, however, you are safe from fraud or selling substandard products. It goes without saying that irregular counterfeit drugs can have a detrimental effect on the athlete's body.

If you want to buy Trenaver A with an absolute guarantee of delivery of quality products, contact our online store. We are not a one day website that aims to deceive customers. The company has worked for many years and gained a reputation for vendor reliable and trustworthy of steroids in Europe .Here you can buy Trenaver at affordable prices. The lack of intermediaries between us and the direct manufacturers allows you to buy steroids at reasonable prices. The Vermodje companyhas a sports license and is a manufacturer of high quality products, so you can trust them and start a cycle for your sports training.

Pharmacology orders and wishes, we can accept them at any time of the day. Orders are processed within 4 days. Payment for our products is made in cash on delivery to the courier company.


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