Buy Boldenone 300 (Biotech Beijing) 10ml


Buying Boldenone Undecylenate increases lean and dense muscle mass along with a dramatic reduction in fat mass. A definite improvement in strength in an off-season mass plan, but even more effective in improving sports performance.

  • Laboratory: Biotech Beijing
  • Form: Injection
  • Molecule: Boldenone Undecylenate
  • Concentration: 300mg/ml
  • Presentation: 10ml vial
  • Recommended dosage: 200-800mg/week


Buy Bodenone for an increase in your own muscle mass at

Buy Boldenone 300 from Biotech Beijing is a steroid, the effect of which has an anabolic and androgenic nature. Actively used in bodybuilding and weightlifting, providing quality muscles. Injection effects include increased appetite, improved oxygen transport in the blood, increased blood supply and muscle relief for the athlete, increased strength performance.

Important: Biotech Beijing has a product originality control system to prevent counterfeiting. To verify the authenticity of the product, you must enter the unique product code on the official website:

Codes for the latest products can be found on the boxes themselves (underneath the hologram). If you enter a verification code for the brand of the product, you will be 100% sure of its original origin.

What is Boldenone 300? Description of the preparation?

The active ingredient of the steroid is boldenone undecylenate, a modification of the natural testosterone molecule. By changing the structure of the chemical bonds between the carbon atoms, the decrease in androgenic properties is literally doubled compared to testosterone.

The anabolic effect of Boldenone 300 remains at the same high level.The active substance of the drug was originally developed for veterinary purposes. Since 1950, the substance has been used for animals, from chickens to cattle. The effect is the same everywhere: animals easily gain muscle mass. Due to its high anabolic properties and rare side effects, the drug is very popular in bodybuilding. It is suitable for light and strong sports.

Today the drug is completely 'humanized' and people have no idea what it was used for in the past. The spatial configuration of the steroid molecule has undergone significant changes due to the addition of a methyl group. Therefore, aroma side effects do not occur when using Boldenon Biotech. No conversion to dihydrotestosterone was observed and no liver toxicity was observed. A big advantage of the drug is that the production of natural testosterone is reduced almost imperceptibly.

That is why the preparation largely resembles the so-called nandrolone. In its structure, the steroid has some similarities with methane (methandrostenolone), the main difference being the location of the ester group.

When the recommended dose of Boldenone 300 from Biotech is applied, it is possible to increase quality muscle mass by approximately 8 kg. The growth is relatively slow, that is to say without immediate effect of. Athletes who have armed themselves with enough patience share in our forum that this steroid comes with minimal side effects and side effects but offers maximum quality.

The preparation is very slightly prone to aromas, so the risk of gynecomastia is minimized.

To avoid possible unpleasant side effects, athletes should take anti-estrogens at the end of the course.Biotech's Boldenone Injection affects cellular mechanisms that stimulate protein synthesis in tissues and erythropoietin in blood. The muscles receive more oxygen and work more efficiently.

In doping tests, the drug can be detected up to 4 months after the end of the course. Another feature of this AAS is that there is no need to use retention agents after the course, and the accumulated mass is retained for a long time. In pharmacies, unfortunately, you will not be able to find the substance Boldenone in liquid form, and the instructions for it describe only the medical side of the drug.

However, information is transferred from athlete to athlete, and the popularity of the drug continues to grow. The high cost of the drug may be the only downside of this unique steroid for some. In all other respects it is top of the rating of steroids to increase muscle mass .

How to take Boldenone 300 from Biotech Beijing

The active substance has a fairly long action and works in the blood for up to 15 days. That is why it is enough to inject the drug once a week. When taking Boldenon, it should be kept in mind that it takes time for the drug to start working.

Due to this feature, the first two weeks of the course require high doses. The application of Boldenon 300 Biotech is carried out in a period of 4-8 weeks, with an intensive entry and a smooth exit from the course. Weekly doses of the drug vary from 300 to 900 mg , depending on the level of the athlete.

Athletes usually use a dose of 600mg, and this injection is relatively safe in terms of side effects and gives a tangible anabolic result. Women can also take this drug.A dose of 50-100 mg per week does not cause the development of androgenic side effects and is recommended for girls engaged in bodybuilding.

Boldenone 300 course is universal in terms of combination with other anabolic steroids. The most effective combination is with trenbolone, testosterone propionate and stanozolol.

Stanozolol and Trenbolone will help build the maximum amount of muscle, leaving it dry, firm and relieved. The course, in turn, combined with testosterone esters, will provide weight gain and a negligible impact on its quality.

Boldenone 300: Reviews and Comments

About the product leave their reviews mainly athletes who focus on increasing dry weight. It is a drug that provides very good muscle firmness.

Boldenone reviews submitted on our forum by athletes characterize it as a good anabolic steroid, with minimal side effects as per recommended dosages. Thanks to the long existence of the drug, you can easily find Boldenone reviews on the Internet.

Interestingly, there are reviews of drugs and representatives of the fair sex, successfully held cures on boldenone. Summaries of Boldenone from Biotech Beijing : Athletes note that during a cure there is almost no acne, oily skin, so characteristic of testosterone esters.

The majority of athletes only report high blood pressure and low estrogen levels. But when taking anti-estrogens, as recommended by experienced athletes, the possibility of gynecomastia and water retention, as well as fat accumulation, is excluded.

The main thing is to eat right, follow a proper diet and exercise intensively.blood tests before using the drug are mandatory for novice athletes at the amateur level, as this will help them get rid of doubts and get all their questions answered.

Where can I buy Boldenone 300?

If you do not know where to buy Boldenone 300 from Biotech so that the quality and price of the product is ideal, please contact our online store . All products featured in our catalog are purchased "first-hand" from the manufacturers, backed by a manufacturer's quality guarantee and a minimum trade mark-up.

The purchase of this anabolic steroid in our online store is absolutely reliable, there is a high degree of confidentiality of the purchase, the service is completely anonymous. The online store is open 24 hours a day and you can make the purchase you want, whether it is a weekend or a holiday. Our managers will process your order as soon as possible and send it by courier to the address indicated.

It only takes a few mouse clicks to buy Boldenone 300. We guarantee the safety of your order, as well as the effectiveness of the drug and the high result you will receive. This drug will be the best choice for an athlete who wants to gain high-quality muscle volume and significantly increase his strength.


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