Trenacetat Malay Tiger 10 vials of 100mg/ml


Trenbolone Acetate is a very potent injectable used by many bodybuilders and has no estrogenic action. It has a very strong androgenic action but does not show estrogenic properties, it contributes to the formation of muscle mass and hard-looking strength and does not retain much water in the body

  • Laboratory: Malay Tiger
  • Form: Injection
  • Molecule: Trenbolone Acetate
  • Concentration: 100mg/ml
  • Presentation: 10 vials of 1ml
  • Recommended dosage: 100-200mg/EOD


Tren is short for trenbolone, one of the strongest anabolic steroids in existence when it comes to gains AND side effects. Tren is an injectable anabolic, used to gain large amounts of lean muscle and strength, while enhancing fat loss.

Trenbolone is also unique in that it is a “dry” compound, unlike other bulking steroids, which are typically “wet”. This means Trenbolone does not convert to estrogen, so users do not experience water retention or fat buildup during a cycle.

However, these side effects are almost certain when cycling anadrol or dianabol for example.

Trenbolone is also a versatile compound, used as a cutting or bulking steroid.

However, tren is more popular when it comes to taking weight. volume and trying to add mass, as its anabolic effects significantly outweigh its fat burning properties.

Trenbolone does not never summer intended for humans , being used in veterinary medicine to inflate cattle, before going to the slaughterhouse. However, it wasn't long before bodybuilders observed the anabolic effects in animals and began experimenting on themselves.Such tests have been a huge success, although their gains have come at a cost, experiencing severe side effects.

The two most popular forms of trenbolone are l enanthate and the acetate . Although they are essentially the same compound, they have different esters. Tren acetate is made up of the short esters and enanthate of the longer esters.

This means that acetate will work faster than enanthate, and thereafter cycles may be shorter. Tren acetate will also be cleared from the body faster than enanthate, giving it a longer half-life.

Despite this variation in structure, both compounds will result in similar post-cycle gains.

Trenbolone/Testosterone Cycle

This is the most popular trenbolone cycle, given that testosterone is a compound soft and can be easily stacked for dramatically improve earningswithout significantly worsening the side effects of tren.

Supplements :

  • fish oil – 4g/day
  • Letrozole (optional) – 1.25mg every other day


  • hCG – 2000 IU administered every other day for 20 days
  • Nolvadex – 2 x 20 mg for 45 days
  • Clomid- 2 x 50mg for 30 days


Muscle and strength gains on this cycle are likely to be exceptional , with minimal water retention, making it a bulking cycle very aesthetic .

Testosterone is also a steroid injectable , so it poses no additional strain to the liver.

Testosterone is also one of, if not the best steroid for the heart, there is only one effect moderate on LDL/HDL cholesterol levels. So, when it comes to trenbolone stacks, it is the safest.

Side effects

Any trenbolone cycle will cause problems for users (simply because of the tren). The main risks of this cycle are suppression severe from testosterone after the cycle and the risk of high blood pressure.

Thus, the described PCT should be implemented to boost endogenous testosterone to normal levels.

Androgenic side effects are almost certain, as both tren and test have strong properties androgens . This can take the form of: oily skin, acne, hair loss or difficulty urinating.

Oily skin is nothing to worry about, but the acne can be severe and extreme in users who are genetically susceptible to it. Hair loss, thinning or recession on the scalp is common when using these two steroids, due to the high levels of DHT (causing damaged hair follicles).

If cycles are used sparingly, such hair loss can be reversed after cycling, but if someone uses these steroids aggressively long term, such hair loss can be permanent.

L enlargement of the prostate can be signified by difficulty urinating, which can occur when taking this cycle.

Gynecomastia is possible on this cycle, due to the aromatization of testosterone. Thus, high estrogen levels can lead to increased breast tissue in men.

Trenbolone can also cause gynecomastia, but not from increased estrogen, but from progesterone .

Progesterone can cause estrogen-like effects, but an anti-estrogen is usually effective in treating the side effects of high progesterone.

A SERM would typically be used (like clomid or nolvadex) to prevent testosterone gynecologist, but in this case it would exacerbate progesterone levels, increasing the risk of gynecomastia from trenbolone.

Thus, a anti-estrogen would be the best option to counter the risk of breast tissue hypertrophy. However, anti-estrogens have a downside, as they have the power to lower HDL cholesterol and raise blood pressure.

This is bad news, given that blood pressure should already be elevated during this cycle.

Therefore, one strategy would be to have an anti-estrogen ready if you start noticing swollen nipples. As soon as you start feeling the early stages of gynecology, you can start using Letrozol at the doses indicated above.

This will help reverse the swelling and prevent further enlargement of the breast tissue. However, running letrozole before encountering gynecological problems will only put excessive pressure on the heart.

Trenbolone / Anadrol cycle

This is probably the most popular steroid duo more powerful for swelling. This combination will yield incredible gains in size and strength.

The muscles will also be filled with glycogen, which will lead to huge pumps (even when the muscles are relaxed, outside of the gym).

Unfortunately, the side effects will rival the benefits of this cycle, being extremely harsh. So, this cycle is only for steroid users very experienced , who are comfortable handling heavy compounds.

Supplements :

  • fish oil – 4g/day
  • Letrozole (optional) – 1.25mg every other day
  • TUDCA – 500mg/day


  • hCG – 2000 IU administered every other day for 20 days
  • Nolvadex – 2 x 20 mg for 45 days
  • Clomid- 2 x 50mg for 30 days


This is the ultimate trenbolone cycle to get done skipand as strong as an ox.

Adding anadrol will result in huge mass and strength gains, with anadrol having the power to add more than 50 pounds to compound lifts (on its own).

Like trenbolone acetate, anadrol acts rapidly , so gains can be noticed within just a few days after the first dose.

Side effects

Liver toxicity will be more prominent with the presence of danadrol, a c17-alpha alkylated oral steroid.

Thus, the liver enzymes ALT and AST will increase, representing the pressure on the organ to fully process Anadrol before entering the bloodstream.

TUDCA is a natural supplement that has been shown to minimize liver damage and is therefore recommended.

Whenever you run danadrol cycles, it is important to keep the duration as short as possible. In the cycle above, which is very heavy, we run anadrol for 8 weeks . This should be the absolute maximum anyone runs anadrol for. During the first 2 weeks of the cycle above, we halved the dose of anadrol, to provide a little extra liver protection (as this is a long cycle).

Blood pressure will increase to high levels with trenbolone alone, but with the inclusion of anadrol it will go to a whole new level.

Anadrol is probably the worst steroid for blood pressure, causing large increases, due to its disastrous impact on HDL cholesterol levels. This is due to its stimulation of hepatic lipase, an enzyme responsible for lowering good cholesterol (HDL), which prevents clogging of the arteries.

This, combined with significant water retention and an increased red blood cell count, makes viscous blood harder for the heart to pump. Fish oil is essential to combat this and minimize cardiovascular strain during the cycle.

Gynecomastia is possible, as anadrol is highly estrogenic and progesterone activity present with trenbolone.

An anti-aromatase inhibitor is ineffective with lanadrol because it does not convert to estrogen.

Instead, it seems to stimulate directly estrogen receptors , thus an anti-estrogen can help prevent gynecomastia due to lanadrol. However, as mentioned earlier, an anti-estrogen isn't something you want to use (if you can help it) because it will skew cholesterol levels, causing more strain on the heart.

Testosterone suppression is going to be extreme after this cycle, requiring an aggressive post-cycle therapy protocol, to avoid a psychological and physiological crash (as well as to prevent muscle loss).

Anadrol has androgenic properties, which in combination with trenbolone can lead to: enlarged prostate, oily skin/acne and hair loss.

Trenbolone / Anadrol / Trial Cycle

This trio was once hailed by Rich Piana as his best cycle ever .

Rest in peace.

Rich also warned that it should only be used sparingly, as it is a very toxic and potentially dangerous cycle.

Supplements :

  • fish oil – 4g/day
  • Letrozole (optional) – 1.25mg every other day
  • TUDCA – 500mg/day


  • hCG – 2000 IU administered every other day for 20 days
  • Nolvadex – 2 x 20 mg for 45 days
  • Clomid- 2 x 50mg for 30 days


This bulking cycle has the ability to add crazy amounts in size and strength, even to intermediate steroid users.

All the benefits of a trenbolone/anadrol cycle apply, but on a whole new level, with the addition of testosterone.

This cycle is used by bodybuilders who wish to gain large amounts of mass , and also have the genetics to tolerate lanadrol/trenbolone relatively well.

Genetics in bodybuilding is not just about a person's ability to pack on muscle, but also the durability needed to handle cycles like this, without it affecting his body.

Side effects

The risk of gynecomastia is high , with estrogen levels skyrocketing (from danadrol and test).

The risk of androgenic side effects, such as hair loss, acne and prostate problems are very high.

Testosterone suppression is going to be extreme , so users need to take 3 PCT supplements (being Nolvadex, Clomid and hCG), in order to bring their testosterone levels back from the grave.

Considering this is a bulking cycle, we can assume users will be consuming high amounts of calories, for maximum gains.

So high calories combined with the estrogenic nature of testosterone and lanadrol will cause a Water retention important, even with the diuretic properties of trenbolone.

Blood pressure will need to be monitored very regularly during this cycle as it is likely to reach very high levels . To counter this and protect the heart as much as possible, users should do some cardio . This may not be ideal for bodybuilders who bulk up and don't like running or cycling, but it's essential for cardiovascular protection.

Liver toxicity is not going to be extreme with this cycle, but the dose of anadrol poses a threat and therefore TUDCA should be taken (with alcohol also avoided).

Trenbolone/Winstrol Cycle

Winstrol is an oral steroid, it is also a potent compound like Trenbolone (although to a lesser degree).

Winstrol also has muscle building and fat burning attributes that occur simultaneously, perfect for a spectacular transformation .

Zac Efron's before/after transformation for the movie Baywatch, is the typical look after running a Winstrol-only cycle.

So once you add trenbolone to the equation, it creates a really powerful cycle.

This duo can be used as a cutting cycle , where users eat in a calorie deficit. Or it can be used as a lean mass building cycle, where users consume maintenance calories (or in a small surplus).

Supplements :

  • fish oil – 4g/day
  • TUDCA – 500mg/day


  • hCG – 2000 IU administered every other day for 20 days
  • Nolvadex – 2 x 20 mg for 45 days
  • Clomid- 2 x 50mg for 30 days


Users can to lose quickly from fat , while building noticeable amounts of muscle and strength.

Those who are not experienced steroid users will have big wins in terms of muscle mass. While experienced steroid users will be less responsive over years of cycles and will experience milder gains.

Many people who lift weights want to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, but often hear that it's impossible. Such myths become a reality with a tren/winstrol cycle, where there are no better compounds to reduce your size and increase your muscles at the same time.

Trenbolone and Winstrol do not saromatize, so water retention will not be an issue, which will instead result in a physique torn up and desiccated, with improved vascularity.

If you want to look as shredded as possible and you're already lean, this would be the ideal cycle to run, as it will draw out water that collects outside of the muscles, resulting in a paper-thin skin look.

Side effects

Winstrol or trenbolone are definitely not “light” steroids.

When combined together, they cause a multitude of side effects, especially for the heart and the liver .

Since winstrol is a C17-alpha-alkylated steroid, it will cause liver fatigue , while lowering HDL cholesterol and increasing LDL through stimulation of hepatic lipase. All of this, combined with a lack of aromatization, will cause potential heart damage. So the cardio should be performed regularly, to avoid major spikes in blood pressure.

Note: regular cardio will also enhance fat loss.

Winstrol should only be taken for 8 weeks (maximum), due to its toxic effects on the liver.

Winstrol, although non-androgenic, does cause androgenic effects in practical settings, therefore acne, oily skin, and hair loss are to be expected when combined with Trenbolone.

Gynecomastia is unlikely on this cycle winstrol not converting to estrogen and having almost zero progesterone activity. Thus, the only threat from the gynecologist is trenbolone, which moderately increases progesterone. However, this is one of the best cycles to avoid man boobs.

Users may also feel joint pain , due to the amount of water expelled from the body. Such fluid is needed as lubrication to protect the joints.

The testosterone suppression will be significant after the cycle, requiring a strong PCT.

Trenbolone/Anavar cycle

Trenbolone and anavar make for a very effective cutting cycle.

Anavar is a mild steroid , hence how it has been used successfully in medicine to treat women and young children (without harmful effects).

Anavar is also a oral , so it is preferred by users who do not want to inject.

Supplements :

  • fish oil – 4g/day
  • TUDCA – 500 mg/day (optional)


  • Nolvadex – 2 x 20 mg for 45 days
  • Clomid- 2 x 50mg for 30 days


Anavar will increase fat burning , while increasing lean muscle mass and strength.

Users are unlikely to gain much muscle mass with the addition of anavar, but there will always be a noticeable difference in muscle hypertrophy by the end of a cycle.

Surprisingly, lanavar is a very effective compound for improving the strength , although it does not promote much weight gain. This can be attributed to the fact that it is a derivative of DHT and has a positive effect on ATP in muscle cells.

So, it's the perfect cutting cycle for bodybuilders worried about losing strength during a cut.

Results from this cycle will be similar to winstrol/trenbolone, however anavar is less potent than winstrol, so gains will be slightly less (and more tolerable side effects ). Anavar's effect on strength, however, can surpass that of Winstrol.

A tren/anavar cycle is one of the smoothest trenbolone cycles you can do, second only to tren/test.

Side effects

An anavar-only cycle is considered very sure . Unfortunately, with the addition of trenbolone, all safety goes out the window.

All of the side effects associated with trenbolone will apply, but with additional suppression of testosterone and a higher increase in blood pressure.

It's definitely not the worst cycle for testosterone suppression, so nolvadex and clomid should be enough to resurrect test levels, without the addition of hCG.

Although lanavar is a steroid oral , it does not cause much liver fatigue , it is also processed by the kidneys. Thus, the risk of serious liver damage on this cycle should be considered as weak . However, TUDCA can still be taken as a precaution.

Anavar does not aromatize or increase progesterone, so there is no additional risk of gynecomastia.

Some additional androgenic side effects are possible.


The 5 most common trenbolone cycles are:

  • Trenbolone/testosterone
  • Trenbolone/anadrol
  • Trenbolone/anadrol/testosterone
  • Trenbolone/winstrol
  • Trenbolone/anavar

Depending on the individuals tolerance, they may be able to take all or none of these stacks.

Some of these trenbolone cycles are extremely harsh and will almost certainly damage the body, at least in the short term.

Remark : Trenbolone can be taken alone and still produce exceptional gains.

It can also be cycled with other steroids not included in this article, such as dianabol and deca durabolin, however, such combinations are less common, as they have conflicting attributes.

For example, deca is usually taken in light bulking cycles, to add a bit more size while avoiding dangerous side effects. Dianabol can be stacked with tren, but it often causes bloating and thus counteracts the diuretic properties of trenbolone (similar to lanadrol).


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