PharmaNan D300 (Pharmacom Labs) Nandrolone Decanoate 10 vials


After testosterone, Nandrolone Decanoate is almost the second best known injectable anabolic steroid. It is one of the best bulk steroids in the market that delivers quality lean mass and strength in a short period of time. Gain extra pounds with Deca.

  • Laboratory: Pharmacom Labs
  • Form: Injection
  • Molecule: Nandrolone decanoate
  • Concentration: 300mg/ml
  • Presentation: 10 vials of 1ml
  • Recommended dosage: 250-750mg/week


PharmaNan-D 300 from PharmaCom Labs is a virtually pure anabolic ideal for athletic use by bodybuilders and athletes. The active ingredient of the drug, nandrolone decanoate , provides the athlete with a quality increase in muscle mass, an increase in strength, a positive effect on the joints and blood oxygen saturation.

In 2014, PharmaCom Labs introduced a system to protect its own products from counterfeiting. These are the drug verification codes from the official website: The product codes are on the packaging (under the hologram), on a sticker under the protective layer.

If you purchased a branded product from our online store, entering the code on the manufacturer's website, you will surely receive confirmation of its original origin!

What is PharmaNan D 300: a description of the drug

Nandrolone itself is a naturally occurring hormone found in human blood in small amounts. It was artificially synthesized in the form of ether in 1950 in an American laboratory and began to be produced under the name Deca-Durabolin.

The medical guideline for Pharmanan D300 describes in detail how the drug is used in the treatment of conditions such as anemia, breast cancer in women, chronic infectious diseases, growth retardation in children . In addition, nandrolone decanoate promotes recovery after a surgery prolonged and trauma.

The properties of PharmaNan D300 liquid are largely inherited from testosterone and the active ingredient molecule of the steroid differs only in the absence of a methyl group in the 19-carbon atom. But this seemingly small difference led to a significant increase in the anabolic properties of the drug and a decrease in its androgenicity.

Nandrolone interacts with progesterone receptors causing some side effects. Injections of PharmaNan D-300 are qualitatively different from the action of testosterone due to the fact that under the influence of 5-alpha reductase it is not converted into dihydrotestosterone, but into a much lighter androgen dihydronanrolone.

In practice this means that the androgenic side effects of this steroid are virtually non-existent and therefore much safer than testosterone.

PharmaNan-D has a long lasting effect on the body which lasts for two weeks after injection. This is because of the long decanoate ester attached to the nandrolone molecule. Sometimes athletes prefer a shorter version nandrolone phenylpropionate which is more suitable for women.

In bodybuilding, PharmaNan D 300 injections and its analogues are widely used, but are not suitable for competitive athletes, despite the anabolic benefits. The reason for this is that substances from the breakdown of nandrolone are in the blood during doping tests a year and a half after the end of the course of steroids .

However, our forum confirms that it's a perfect product for those who are just starting out in their professional careers, as well as athletes who have to recover from injuries or health issues.

Side effects of liquid PharmaNan-D are rare, especially if the dose is strictly adhered to by the athlete. Sometimes rhinitis, headaches, high blood pressure can occur when taking the drug. The drug is characterized by suppressing the natural production of testosterone, so the evolution usually leads to a decrease in libido. This problem is easily eliminated by taking androgens concomitantly.

The progestin activity of Nandrolone has side effects which in rare cases can lead to swelling and gynecomastia. With regard to the action of the aromatase enzyme, nandrolone is practically inactive, does not convert into estrogen and is not toxic to the liver.

An athlete who decides to buy the drug for anabolic purposes will not be able to find it at the pharmacy. However, our online store offers the possibility of easily solving this problem without having a prescription to buy.

Although, like any steroid, the price of this liquid anabol is not low, the price / quality ratio has been highly appreciated by sportsmen for several decades. The anabolic properties of the drug will leave far behind all fashionable modern anabolics and the absence of side effects and will not give them a chance.

How to take PharmaNan D300 from Pharmacom Labs

Injections of the drug are usually given once a week, although some argue for more frequent injections. In general, nandrolone decanoate stays in the blood at high levels for 10-14 days, so there is no objective need for frequent injections.The course with PharmaNan D300 is quite long, 6-8 weeks.

This is due to the fact that the effect of the steroid does not start immediately, but develops gradually, so no immediate results can be expected. Of course, during such a period with a course of testosterone, for example, you can achieve much more impressive results, but the hindsight will be significant.

The use of PharmaNan-D 300 provides a set of 4-8 kg of quality muscle for one course, which will not be subject to catabolism and catabolic processes. In men, the dose of the drug starts from 200 mg per week and is practically safe in volumes up to 600 mg. It is easy to calculate the optimal dose 400 mg per week for two months, with a smooth entry and exit from the course. For women, the course of PharmaNan-D is generally not recommended due to the long term activity of the steroid in the body.

It is better to use a shorter analogue nandrolone phenylpropionate. Although decanoate is relatively safe in terms of androgenicity, when used in women, especially at high doses, virilization effects occur. Taking Nandrolon by Pharmacom Labs solo is for beginners only, while for more experienced athletes it won't be very potent and must therefore be used in combination with other anabolics or androgens.

To improve the quality of weight gain and at the same time to block the activity of progestins, it is recommended to include Winstrol in the course 2-3 weeks after the start. Also, its long-term use is ideally combined with testosterone, sustanon and methandrostenolone to increase weight gain.

It should be remembered that all combination courses require the use of Nolvadex.It's also a good idea to include a gonadotropin or testosterone booster as post-course therapy.

PharmaNan D300: reviews

The long history of the use of the drug by athletes and bodybuilders has accumulated many excellent examples to confirm its effectiveness. The opinions on the preparation presented in our forum are also extremely positive.

Athletes note a gradual increase in muscle mass and relief, accompanied by an increase in strength. In addition, PharmaNan reviews pay special attention to its effect on the joints and its anti-inflammatory effects.

Recovering from injuries with this steroid, as seen in customer testimonials, is much faster and easier and also keeps the athlete in shape. For those who have not taken steroids at all, pharmacology reviews, and especially for this injectable steroid, will help to choose the first preparation.

Experienced athletes in our Forum can always give advice to beginners who want to achieve good results.

Reviews about PharmaNan-D 300 leave only positive impressions. Athletes have virtually no side effects, even when using relatively high doses per week.

Where can I buy PharmaNan D300?

In our online store you can always buy this drug safely and inexpensively. We value and respect our customers by offering a wide range of quality, proven steroids and sports medicine products. Ordering PharmaNan-D 300 from us is reliable, because for many years we have created a supply chain of steroids directly from the manufacturers, which allows you to receive first-hand products with a minimum premium.

Therefore, if you decide to buy PharmaNan-D from our online store, its price will be good for you and the quality will be guaranteed. Also, with a large order, you will get a large discount. To order this steroid, just take a few simple steps.

You will get perfect muscles, build stamina, strengthen bonds and strengthen the immune system. It is no coincidence that this drug is so popular among athletes from various sports fields.


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