Pharma Tren A100 (Pharmacom Labs) trenbolone acetate 10ml


Trenbolone Acetate 75 is a very potent injectable used by many bodybuilders and has no estrogenic action. It has a very strong androgenic action but does not show estrogenic properties, it contributes to the formation of muscle mass and hard-looking strength and does not retain much water in the body

  • Laboratory: Pharmacom
  • Form: Injection
  • Molecule: Trenbolone Acetate
  • Concentration: 100mg/ml
  • Presentation: 10ml vial
  • Recommended dosage: 100-200mg/EOD


PharmaTren-A is the strongest anabolic steroid, which at the same time has a high androgenic index. Its most outstanding feature is its powerful and rapid action: the drug begins to act actively on average 20-30 minutes after injection. Currently, the main area where this anabolic steroid is used is sports.

In particular, in bodybuilding, the PharmaTren-A steroid is regularly used by athletes to increase muscle mass and strength. The drug has other effects that can be useful in sports practice and beyond: burning fat, lowering cortisol levels, increasing IGF-1 levels, increasing libido, etc.

In 2014, PharmaCom renewed the packaging design again and additionally introduced a drug originality testing system. Verification is based on entering a code on the company's website. The confirmation code is on a special sticker under a protective layer. The sticker for new batches is affixed to the blister or bottle.

If you purchased the PharmaCom Labs product from our store, then remove the security layer and enter the code at, you will receive confirmation that it is an original product:

What is PharmaTren-A: a description of the product

The basis of this pharmacological agent is the anabolic steroid trenbolone acetate. It is a modified form of nandrolone with the addition of acetate ester, which provides rapid effect and greater potency. The anabolic strength of Trenbolone Acetate is 400% of that of endogenous testosterone, androgenic activity index is 200% of that of endogenous testosterone.

This steroid usually works for 1-3 days. Therefore, the injection should be administered once every two days. It should be noted that the drug cannot be detected in the body about 6-7 weeks after the end of the reception. During the course, PharmaTren-A is able to show various positive properties and have a variety of beneficial effects. However, in sports practice it is valued mainly due to the following effects:

● Maximum increase in lean muscle mass,

● Striking increase in strength indicators,

● Increased libido during the course,

● Decreased cortisol concentration during the course,

● Fat burning due to growth hormone,

● High levels of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1) in the body.

On the other hand, undesirable effects can occur during the administration of PharmaTren-A. For example, androgenic "side effects" of the steroid may be reported, which include: hair loss, increased aggression, trouble sleeping, acne (pimples), increased skin oiliness.

PharmaTren-A anabolics, such as nandrolone, are also known to have fairly high progestin activity. This means that despite the low level of estrogen in the blood, during treatment deviations may occur such as: gynecomastia, high blood pressure, etc. To minimize the side effects of this steroid, athletes usually use the drug Proviron.

Important: the drug can significantly affect the production of its own testosterone, which can lead to testicular atrophy and other diseases. Therefore, if used for a long time, gonadotropin should be given additionally during the course.

Due to the high androgenic activity of this steroid, its use is not recommended by female athletes. The use of PharmaTren-A in women can lead to virilization phenomena (thickened voice, excessive hair growth, clitoral growth, etc.), therefore other safe steroids are recommended for women.

How to store the preparation? PharmaTren-A has the following storage conditions: Store the steroid in a dry place away from sunlight. Make sure that children and pets cannot access the injections.

How to take PharmaTren-A: method of administration

The use of this powerful steroid is recommended for athletes who want to significantly increase their muscle mass and increase their strength. For these purposes, it is possible to take a combined dose of PharmaTren-A and other drugs, as well as its individual use.

During the course, this steroid can be effectively combined with drugs with different actions and properties. Thus, the use of PharmaTren-A can be combined with the use of one or more of the agents from this list: stanozolol, turinabol, testosterone propionate, methandienone, boldenone and others.

For example, it is possible to effectively combine its use with turinabol and testosterone propionate (from the middle of this course, gonadotropin should be taken 1000 units every 3 days). The optimal dose of PharmaTren-A for men is between 50 and 75-100 mg. We do not recommend the use of this medicine for women.

The duration of action of Trenbolone can be up to 8 or even 10 full weeks, depending on the goals and the combinations used in the course. The duration of action of the steroid is 24-72 hours, so it is recommended to take it once every other day.

Important: to take PharmaTren-A at the minimum recommended dose of 50 mg, you will need only 0.5 ml of the product, since the active substance contained in the steroid is 100 mg per 1 ml. For the 75 and 100 mg doses, adjust the syringe to 0.75 and 1 ml, respectively. Also keep in mind that the bottle volume of this steroid is 10ml. And even if your course is based on using maximum doses, the bottle will last almost 3 weeks, which is very, very cost effective.

To learn how to solo or get more information on combining trenbolone with other steroids, visit the forum. Here you can contact our store's qualified consultants, which include: sports doctor, powerlifting sports master, weightlifting sports master, bodybuilding trainer and other experienced professionals.

PharmaTren-A: reviews and opinions

Trenbolone acetate, although not the most popular steroid in sports practice, has long been used regularly by athletes who wish to improve their physical form. That is why it is easy to find comprehensive reviews of the tool from different users on the internet.

Interestingly, almost all athletes who have ever purchased steroids in practice report the greatest effectiveness. In fact, if we look at PharmaTren-A reviews left by athletes, we can conclude that it is a powerful and fast-acting drug. It dramatically improves strength performance, increases muscle mass and has other beneficial effects.At the same time, the activity of the steroid appears only half an hour after its use. What about side effects?

Here, as the reviews say, PharmaTren-A also works well. Of course, during its course there may be abnormalities, such as aggression or increased oiliness of the skin. Additionally, taking steroids can lead to gynecomastia or reduced testosterone production.

But in the end, with all these side effects, you can easily cope with the help of additional pharmacological agents during the course. Many claims show that Proviron and Gonadotropin are best used for these purposes. Remember that this steroid is ideal to combine.

During the course, as noted by experienced athletes, the drug can be effectively combined with steroids with different effects and properties, from stanozolol to testosterone. The only exceptions are nandrolone and loxymethalone, as well as some other steroids with high progestin activity.

Where can I buy PharmaTren-A safely?

You will not be able to buy this steroid from regular stores no matter how much you want. That means you can't just pick it up at the nearest pharmacy. But it is certainly not worth worrying about, because online store offers you a fast and profitable purchase of any steroid.

We have been working in the sports pharmacology market for many years and during this time we have achieved a lot. In fact, this is where you can buy PharmaTren-A without worrying about almost anything. Why? It's simple: we were able to establish contacts with several of the biggest manufacturers of pharmacology abroad.

Thanks to this, all accessories reach the shelves of the store "first hand".And this, as you know, is a confirmation of their original quality. In addition, in our store you have the opportunity to order PharmaTren-A, the price of which is really profitable. Due to the lack of resellers and intermediaries, our costs are reduced and this certainly has a good effect on the price we can offer to end users.

In addition, the cost of steroids can be reduced with our discount system created for the benefit of buyers: by ordering drugs above a certain amount, you can save considerably.

Accordingly, buying PharmaTren-A from our store is the right solution that you will not regret. After all, you are making a profit quickly and reliably buying a useful anabolic steroid that can help you build muscle and improve your energy performance.


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