
Syringe for your intramuscular injections


Sale of intramuscular injection syringes. Injection of steroids

Modes of administration: injection of steroids and the oral route

The oral route

Taking oral anabolic steroids is arguably the most popular and widespread. Surely more than injecting steroids.

Initially, danabol or dianabol from the manufacturer Thaiger Labs is made in tablets dosed at 10mg per tablet. Thus, the user ingests the tablets, often 3 to 6 per day, in doses spread over the day.

However, the oral route has effects that should not be overlooked.

  • The digestive tract is irritated and this can lead to gastric problems generating nausea or stomach aches. A gaviscon type protector is often prescribed in parallel with the treatment
  • The liver is solicited by the transformation of methandienone. The active molecule of danabol dianabol or any other AAS17 must first be metabolized by the liver. This process puts a lot of strain on the organ and the concomitant use of hepatic protectors is common, such as Carsil Silymarin or Essential forte.
  • The urinary system naturally eliminates the molecule. The bladder, kidneys and generally the entire urinary system is put to the test.

The transdermal route

This mode of administration of steroids is not widely used. There is a loss of the active substance on the one hand, and on the other hand it can cause hair growth at the site of local application. It is also possible to contaminate his/her partner by sharing the same towel or the same bed.

However, there are PATCHES with testosterone or cream in the form of GEL, of the TESTOGEL type.

injection of steroids

Intramuscular injection is probably the most common method of taking steroids.

The injections take place every day, twice a week or once depending on the long and short esters of the products used.

The intramuscular injection should generally be performed in the buttocks according to this scheme

The gluteal injection site remains the most common due to the volume and size of this muscle.

Users should take care to always disinfect the injection site, NEVER reuse the same syringe or needle, and inject no more than 3ml at one time.

The gesture technique

An injection, whether intramuscular or subcutaneous (we will leave aside the intravenous), cannot be improvised. So if you do not feel able to do it on your own, without risking injury, get help from a nurse (er) or any other person with the required knowledge and mastery of the gesture. If you decide to do it alone, make sure you understand the different steps and all the protocols associated with it.


    – ANTISSEPTIC (Alcohol modified at 70° or Alcoholic Betadine or Biseptine).


    – SPARADRAP (if necessary).

    – 1 SYRINGE (depending on the type of injection and the quantity of product to be injected).

    – 2 NEEDLES (depending on the type and site of injection, the nature of the product and the build of the person.)

    – 1 NEEDLE (for product removal).

    – 1 SOILED NEEDLES CONTAINER (if not a plastic bottle).


    – 1 BULB SAW (if needed).

    – 1 SMALL DISINFECTED TRAY (for the disposal of equipment).

  • Plan

    Sterile parts

    It is important to preserve the sterile parts, being careful not to touch them, they are: 1) The piston. 2) The end of the pump body.


    The choice of syringe is conditioned by the volume of product to be injected.

    · Insulin syringe = Max 1 ml.

    · Hypodermic syringe = from 1 ml to +.

    If you want to inject 0.5 ml of product, you will take a 1ml syringe.

    For 1 ml of product = 2ml to 2.5ml syringe.

    For 2ml to 3ml of product = 5ml syringe.

    For 4ml to 5ml of product = 10ml syringe.

    NOTE : If one wishes to puncture an oily solution, from a vial or vial, to put it back into another vial, care should be taken to use a glass syringe to preserve the quality of the solution since the latter, being brought into contact with the plastic materials (piston and body) of the so-called “Medical Polypropylene” syringe for a prolonged period, is altered. This is why it is also important, when using a plastic syringe, that the oily solution, once punctured, is quickly administered.

  • Plan

    As with the syringe, it is important to preserve the sterility of the needle. This is why we will be careful not to touch the metal part. The base can be touched provided you have disinfected your hands beforehand. In addition, for certain products and in particular oily products, it will be necessary to ensure that the base (or guard) of the needle is properly fitted onto the tip of the pump body of the syringe so that it does not become unsuitable. during the injection.

  • The volume of product to be injected is conditioned by the nature of the product to be injected, the type and site of injection and the build of the person.


    Muscular Volume Max. Dorso gluteus,

    Vast external

    5ml* Deltoids, Triceps 2ml Biceps, Abs, Traps,

    Dorsals, Pecs, Calves

    1 to 1.5ml

    *Skinny people: 2ml max.

    NOTE : when the volume of product to be injected is greater than 5ml, it is necessary to divide the dose into parts that are injected into different muscles.

    For subcutaneous injection, the volume should not exceed 1ml max. for the same injection site.

  • The angle of insertion of the needle is conditioned by the type of injection.


    Insertion angle = 90°

    -Subcutaneous :

    According to the length of the needle (depending on the injection site and the body size of the person)

    Insertion angle = 45° (1.6 cm needle) or 90° (1.3 cm needle).

  • The choice of the injection site is conditioned by the type of injection, the nature of the product to be injected, the volume to be injected, the length of the needle and on the other hand by the body size of the person.

  • Five muscles are commonly used for intramuscular injections:

    Hip injection (Figure 1) is preferable to injection into the buttock. In practice, the gluteus medius muscle “gluteus medius muscle“ is to be preferred to the gluteus maximus muscle “gluteus maximus muscle“, to avoid arterial or nerve injuries, and to reduce the risk of injecting subcutaneously (the injection into the gluteus medius muscle only exceptionally seems to cause complications related to damage to a blood vessel or nerve). For this site, it is recommended to use needles 30 mm to 40 mm long in people who are not overweight. For overweight people, even a 50mm needle is sometimes insufficient to reach this muscle.

    – The gluteus maximus muscle “gluteus maximus” (Figure 2), approached by pricking the upper outer quarter of the buttock, is not a recommended injection site. This site exposes to lesions of the sciatic nerve or the superior gluteal artery.

    Delimit the injection site by drawing a horizontal line going from the upper end of the inter gluteal fold towards the external face of the buttock and then lowering a vertical line which passes through the middle of this line. The injection site is in the middle and upper parts of the upper outer quadrant. For this site, it is recommended to use 30 mm to 40 mm needles for people who are not overweight.

    – The vastus lateralis muscle “vastus lateralis muscle“ (Figure 3), with the advantage of being located at a distance from any important blood vessel or nerve (rare cases of lesion of the femoral nerve or the femoral artery have been described, linked to an error of identification), moreover it is easily accessible for those who practice self-injections. This muscle is approached by pricking the outer side portion of the middle third of the thigh. For this site, it is recommended to use 30 mm to 40 mm needles for people who are not overweight.

    Delineate the injection site by dividing the space between the greater trochanter of the femur and the top of the knee into 3 portions, then drawing a median horizontal line dividing the outer part of the thigh. The injection site is in the middle third, just above the horizontal line.

    -The deltoid muscle (Figure 4) is located on the outer face of the shoulder, in the center of an inverted triangle (point down) whose base is located 2.5 cm to 3 cm below the acromion, and the point approximately 5 cm lower, at the level of a horizontal line passing through the angle of the armpit. It is usually advised not to inject more than 2 ml of liquid into it. For this site, it is recommended to use 25 mm to 40 mm needles depending on the body size of the person.

    Delimit the injection site by drawing a triangle whose base is at the lower edge of the acromion and the apex above the point of insertion of the deltoid muscle, which corresponds to an area of ​​approximately 5 cm x 5 cm (2 in x 2 in) located 3 fingerbreadths below the acromion in the outer part of the arm.

    The anterior rectus muscle “rectus femoris muscle” (Figure 5), approached by pricking the anterior part of the middle third of the thigh, is rarely recommended as an injection site, these are reputed to be more painful there.

    NOTE : When the markings delimiting the injection sites are respected, there is no risk if the product is administered too deeply using a longer needle. If the needle presses on the bone, it is withdrawn a little and the product is injected into the muscle.

    Two injections can be made in the same injection site, they must however be spaced at least 3 cm apart.

  • To start, make sure you have a quiet place where you won't be surprised by the sudden arrival of mum or girlfriend, or little brother or little sister, also be careful not to be disturbed by the phone ringing, or anything else that could distract you and put you at risk of an accident.

    N B :

    § Always disinfect: the packaging of syringes and needles, the entire vial or ampoule, as well as the ampoule saw.

    § Always check that the needle is properly seated on the syringe pump body, especially if you are using pre-assembled syringes with needle.

    § When you withdraw the product, the vial or the ampoule, do not tap the needle against the bottom or the edges of the vial or the ampoule, especially if you plan to prick yourself with this same needle, because you will dull it and make it difficult and painful to insert.

    § When you expel the air (bubbles) from your syringe never tap on the needle, and never wipe the surplus liquid which flows along the needle, it acts as a lubricant by allowing an easier insertion of the needle in the dermis.

    § If you use a plastic syringe, never leave the product inside it for too long, but administer it quickly.

    § When injecting yourself, insert the needle, bevel facing up.

    § When you inject the product, do not force the needle, but concentrate on the syringe plunger, and inject slowly, gently.

    Ø A few tips to minimize pain

    – Be relaxed, breathe deeply and calmly.

    – Allow the injection site to dry, after disinfection for about 1 min before injecting.

    – The use of 2 needles, one to remove the product and another to prick.

    – The application of refrigerated bag or spray, or local anesthetic on the injection site before disinfecting and injecting.

    – Use a “dry” swab or cotton to dab when removing the needle.

    – For oily ones, it is interesting to put them at lukewarm temperature, by passing them for a short time under hot water or by putting them on the radiator for a short time.

  • Introduction, under pressure, of an isotonic medicinal substance into the loose subcutaneous connective tissues (Under the dermis = hypodermic). Absorption is slow because the subcutaneous tissues are less vascularized than muscle tissue. This injection can cause a painful sensation due to the volume injected, because the subcutaneous tissue contains pain receptors. However, there are a few simple steps to limit the pain and reactions that can follow the injection:

    – Place a refrigerated pocket on the injection area before disinfection and injection, which desensitizes the skin.

    – Let the disinfected skin area dry for one minute.

    – Warm the product between the fingers.

    – The use of 2 needles, one to remove the product and another to prick.

    – Inject the product slowly (10 seconds).

    – Vary the injection sites (thighs, abdomen, etc.). Injection sites should be at least 3 cm apart.

    – Choose an area of ​​the skin without wounds or visible veins to perform the injection. Do not inject where the skin is red or bruised or thick.

    – Do not massage or rub the area after the injection.

  • There are 5 sites for subcutaneous injection:

  • Outer side of the arm.
  • Supero-external aspect of the thigh.
  • Abdominal region: extending below the costal edge to the iliac crest (1 cm away from the navel).
  • Supra and infraspinous region of the scapula.
  • Gluteal region: upper-outer quadrant
  • An injection of steroids, whether intramuscular or subcutaneous (we will leave aside the intravenous), cannot be improvised. So if you don't feel able to do it on your own, without risking injury, get help from a nurse (er) or any other person with the required knowledge and skill in the gesture. If you decide to do it alone, make sure you understand the different steps and all the protocols associated with it.


    Of the three options for taking steroids, injection remains the most effective and least risky. However, it remains to be specified that people who do not know how to perform an intramuscular injection must take care to find out about the nursing protocols in force.


    We do not promote anabolic steroids, neither oral nor injection, this content is merely informative.


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