Tren A-100 (Buen Poder) Trenbolone Acetate 10 vials


Trenbolone Acetate 75 is a very potent injectable used by many bodybuilders and has no estrogenic action. It has a very strong androgenic action but does not show estrogenic properties, it contributes to the formation of muscle mass and hard-looking strength and does not retain much water in the body

  • Laboratory: Buen Puder Argentina
  • Form: Injection
  • Molecule: Trenbolone Acetate
  • Concentration: 100mg/ml
  • Presentation: 1ml vials
  • Recommended dosage: 100-200mg/EOD


Tren A-100 Anabolic steroid produced by Buen Poder with high anabolic activity and strong androgenic properties. The main area of ​​its application is sports practice. It is used in bodybuilding, weightlifting and many other current disciplines primarily to increase muscle mass and increase strength.

Among the specific effects of the drug, various improvements appear, such as fat burning, improved libido and increased IGF

Buen Poder Trenbolone Acetate Description

The active ingredient of the drug, long-acting trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate ester. Unlike acetate, this action of this steroid is about 14 days after injection, so frequent administration is not necessary (usually once or twice a week), which is a significant advantage for athletes who cannot tolerate injections.

Parabolan trenbolone itself is, as already noted, a powerful anabolic and androgenic drug with 400% endogenous testosterone anabolic activity. Keep in mind that the use of this preparation is mainly recommended for experienced athletes who have a cause and weak steroids no longer work for them.

Talking about the impact and influence exerted by Parabolan, the significant effects that can bring significant improvements (when used correctly) are:

Provide a set of clearly expressed muscle mass,

Significant increase in energy,

Increases IGF levels and burns fat,

lowers cortisol levels and increases libido.

However, it should be kept in mind that Tren A-100 of Buen Poder not only has a positive effect, but side effects are also possible. In particular (IF USED ILLEGALLY) it can reduce your own testosterone production and its effects. There is also a risk of androgenic side effects such as: gynecomastia, acne, hair loss and more.

Due to the relatively high androgenic activity, this steroid should only be used by men. Women should not use it if they do not want to face the effects of virilization.

Recommended storage conditions: Store in a safe place, away from moisture and light.

In bodybuilding, as in other disciplines, this drug is mainly used by experienced athletes to increase their muscle mass and strength. This steroid is important for many types of athletes as it significantly and rapidly improves physical fitness.

In men, the dose recommended of Tren A-100 is 100-300mg per week. The introduction of too frequent injections is not necessary (usually a weekly dose is divided into 1-2 doses per week). Keep in mind that steroid cycles with the drug last around eight weeks on average. In most cases, this anabolic androgen is combined with other anabolic steroids.

Which anabolic androgens should we combine Tren A-100 Buen Poder with to get the best results? It is definitely difficult to answer because the choice of steroids for combination use is determined by the recipient's preferences, level, experience and many other factors.

The combined intake with Parabolan and Stromba can be undertaken by athletes who wish to achieve greater energy productivity with quality muscle growth. It's a good combination that will also help reduce body fat, which is always beneficial for an athlete. Other possible combinations are with testosterone, Turinabol or Anavar, depending on the athlete's priorities.

Trenbolone Acetate Order and Price

Buy high quality sports pharmacology including Tren A-100 as well as many other anabolic androgenic steroids from our website. The store provides first-class service, meets the high demands of Bulgarian athletes, such as reliability and affordability. Let's explain everything in detail.

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